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Patience is a Virtue

Thank you for joining our Community.

We are now fully set up to receive financial support to continue our Mission in helping others to heal. This first fundraiser is to help cover the cost of operations this year. As, up to now, we have had 2 faithful benefactors keeping us here for 2 years. Now it's time to step up to the plate. These funds will also go towards healing events, literature and other items to reach out further and build our Community.

We are here to heal from all types of childhood and repeated traumas. We are finding a voice to say "Hey, I was hurt and damaged, and that's why I made such poor choices, that's why I suffer from C-PTSD and other mental health issues. It's not because of You. We are here for you. How can you help? Readers, YOU are the specialists, YOU have the answers, we are listening. How do YOU, the readers suggest we get the word out and fight this battle for social and cultural change.....?

Let your voice be heard!

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